Sunday 6 July 2014

Tips for a flat tummy after a c-section.

Don’t forget you have just had a major surgery and your body needs to heal and recover. Taking into consideration also the changes you have been through during pregnancy; give yourself some time to recover. Doctors’ recommendation is to wait at least 8 weeks postpartum before exercising again. Before attempting any exercises, obtain clearance from a doctor. Avoid lifting of anything other than the baby during the first 2 months.
Here are the most important tips to get your tummy back:
  • When getting up from laying on your back always roll to your side first. Avoid sit ups or crunches.
  • Start REALLY slowly by going for short walks. Work up to it GRADUALLY. You’ve just had MAJOR surgery, and your body needs to heal from that AND being pregnant
  • Clean the scar carefully and as often as you can with soap and water for faster scar recovery and prevent infection
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits to nourish your body and boost energy level. Avoid unnourished processed food.
  • Try to get as much sleep as possible, you need it
  • Listen to what your body is telling you. If you are feeling particularly sore, it is best to rest. It is better to take it easy, your recovery will be shorter overall if you don’t do too much too fast.
  • Patient and determination are key success factor for a flat tummy after cesarean section. Having a balanced healthy diet, and taking functional exercise, is the right way. Aerobic exercise such as jogging, swimming, cycling and walking is suggested to help you burn fat and lose weight, while sit ups are specifically for that excess tummy fats, its the fastest way of getting that tummy to its pre-pregnancy shape again.  

1 comment:

  1. While exercising is important, it also is key to keep hydrated since that helps the body heal from the surgery and an added benefit is that it helps with milk production for nursing moms
