Saturday 5 July 2014

Plan ahead for baby's first week

I'm sure most of you remember the feeling of anxiety, you couldn't sleep cos you were afraid you'd do something wrong? During your first weeks together you and your baby may feel just as dazed and confused, good news is, soon you will both begin to relax and enjoy each other.

Here are some tips to make it a little easier on you:

Stock up on easy to prepare meals, grocery shopping and cooking are bound to be low on your "must do" list in your early postpartum days. You can avoid the empty fridge syndrome by making sure to have some bowls of already made soups and stew.

Let others help with kitchen duty, good thing is that a lot of your friends and family members available will be happy to help out at this time with a meal or two.
Keep on top of the household chores, when the nesting urge hits, go ahead and take advantage of it. Clean out and organize the cupboards and closets. It maybe months before you have this much free time again. While you are at it, you can do some things to help reduce the stress of life after baby.

Keep the kitchen and bathroom reasonably clean.  If your mega-pregnant self can't face those chores, ask your partner to take them over, see if a sympathetic friend can or hire someone to give your house a go-through right before your due date.
Make your living space convenient.  Arrange your new nest with a water bottle, tissues, a pillow and blanket, a book or the remote and baby supplies. Pretend you're curled up on the sofa with your new baby. Take a look around. Are the things you'll need handy?
What would make the first weeks easier for you? Can you arrange it now or ask someone else to handle the task? Let us know all that you did right...