Saturday 28 June 2014

What not to say to a pregnant woman.

Sometimes these questions are innocently asked but they can be annoying to some pregnant women.

Below are some I can remember:

Are you gaining enough weight? 
While many of the most clueless comments come from people subtly judging you for packing on pregnancy pounds, the naturally slender are not immune. You may think you’re paying a mama-to-be a compliment when you say, “You’re so small” or “I can barely see your belly!” but you may only be stoking her with worries about the growth of her baby.
Everyone carries differently; let her OB/GYN worry about her weight gain. If you want to make her feel good about her pregnancy appearance, simply tell her that she looks great.

Can I touch your belly?

While asking first is certainly better than lunging in for a belly rub, it still puts a pregnant woman in an uncomfortable position if she’d rather keep her bump to herself. If her baby is kicking and she wants you to have a feel, she’ll ask you if you want to feel the baby move. So don't ask and don't touch unless you are told to do so lol. 

Have you checked the sex of your baby?
Well, I'd say, does it really matter if I check the sex of my baby or not? I Can't change the sex of the baby no matter how many times I check. So just wait it out. The baby would arrive sooner than you know.

You’re breastfeeding, right?
I wish people would ask, “Will you feed your child?” It’s a bizarre question—who would ask such a thing? But that’s how I felt when people constantly asked me if I was going to breastfeed my son,  It’s no one’s business how a mother feeds her baby and asking only adds to the immense amount of pressure and guilt women already feel when it comes to this topic. So stop asking o.

You’re hoping for a girl, right?
Here is a mom with four energetic boys already who thinks they’re superheroes, and there you are asking if she is hoping for a girl? don't you have an obvious answer already? mtchew! busy bodies. lol.

What annoying questions have you been asked?


  1. The most annoying word I heard while I was preggy was always "ur nose is jst too big". Also that I was jst too fat with this pregnancy. To think this was comin from close friends and family members... mstcheeeeew. Well all dat is history now.

  2. mine was actually big though nd i really didnt care what people said. I couldnt wait to see the cute little 1.
