Wednesday 20 August 2014

Ways To Put Your New Born To Sleep.

It's every parent's nightmare: you and your baby are exhausted, but your baby will not fall asleep. Sleep is crucial to your baby's health and well-being as newborns require as much as 16 hours of sleep per day, and one year olds need up to 14 hours. As a parent, you also need your baby to sleep so that you can maintain your own health and sanity. Here is how you can put your baby to sleep, so that both you and baby are happy and relaxed.

Give the baby some time to play and wind down before he or she goes to sleep. Don't get the baby excited with vigorous games, or let visitors play with the baby before bedtime as this will stimulate, rather than soothe your child.

Offer your baby the opportunity to eat or drink. Babies' stomachs are tiny and don't hold enough milk or formula to keep them satisfied for very long. Newborns need to eat every 2-4 hours, while 12-month olds need to eat 4-5 times a day

Give your baby a warm bath. Most babies find the warm water very relaxing, and you can use a baby wash with a soothing scent that promotes relaxation and sleep (although a few babies hate baths or find them too exciting).

Change the baby's diaper, if necessary. Make sure you use ointment to help prevent diaper rash through the night since the baby might be exposed to a wet diaper for an extended period of time (DO NOT use baby powder! Baby powder fills the air around the child and the baby will breathe it in which can cause numerous respiratory problems).

Dress baby for bed. Be sure clothing is not too warm or cool. A "sleep sack" (a pajama set with a sack-like bottom) is the best to use. (Blankets are dangerous for babies because they can suffocate the baby. If you use a blanket make sure it is tucked securely around the edges of the mattress. Also, DO NOT use pillows around your baby as these can also cause asphyxiation and always lay your baby on his/her back to sleep)

Soothe the baby. Each baby is different, so different methods might calm your baby. Try the following:

  • Tell or read baby a story in a soothing monotone voice.
  • Walk around with baby.
  • Rock the baby in a rocking chair or glider.
  • Sing baby a quiet song.
  • Offer a pacifier.
  • Play soothing music. Most babies enjoy lullabies, classical music, or white noise and nature sounds when falling asleep. Make sure it is not loud, or it will keep your baby awake.
Turn off the main lights in your baby's bedroom. Furthermore, keep computer and t.v. screens away from baby's sleeping area. Bright lights suppress melatonin (the hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles) and can keep your baby awake. You can turn on a baby light or a night light if this calms your baby.

Invest in essential oils. 
Use bath products that contain essential oils such as rosemary, lavender, and chamomile, as they promote relaxation and sleep. You can even make your own reed diffuser for the nursery using these oils, buy organic oils when possible.

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