Wednesday 20 August 2014

Ways To Put Your New Born To Sleep.

It's every parent's nightmare: you and your baby are exhausted, but your baby will not fall asleep. Sleep is crucial to your baby's health and well-being as newborns require as much as 16 hours of sleep per day, and one year olds need up to 14 hours. As a parent, you also need your baby to sleep so that you can maintain your own health and sanity. Here is how you can put your baby to sleep, so that both you and baby are happy and relaxed.

Monday 18 August 2014

Ways To Fix A Sexless Marriage

There's no drama, no fighting. You've been together for years, raised kids. The love is still there, but the spark just isn't. As months drift into years, you realize: You're in a sexless marriage.
Most married couples don't really know what to expect of a long-term relationship.
Below are a few ideas on how to go about fixing your sexless marriage.

Sunday 17 August 2014

How To Care For Your Baby's Sensitive Skin

You've probably heard something described as "smooth as a baby's bottom."Baby skin can be so soft you can hardly resist stroking it.Unfortunately, not all baby skin stays smooth. Some infants are born with sensitive skin. Others develop it in the first few month of life. Parents of little ones with skin sensitivities will attest that it leaves baby itchy, irritable, and uncomfortable. They can also share whenever baby is miserable, you're bound to be, too. These tips can help end the discomfort for both of you.

What To Do When Your Newborn Baby Has A Fever

In newborn babies and young infants three months of age or under, fever is important as it may be the first and only sign of a serious infection. If you notice a temperature that is even just slightly above the normal range –​ 38°C (101°F) taken rectally or 37.5°C (99.5°F) taken under the armpit – bring your newborn baby to the doctor as soon as possible. Also bring your newborn baby to the doctor if he has any of the following symptoms

Monday 4 August 2014

DIAPER RASH... Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Diaper rash symptoms

Diaper rash usually comes on quickly, and it affects the areas of baby’s body that are in closest contact with the diaper. While there are some common symptoms of diaper rash, there is wide variation in what diaper rash looks like.
Take a look under your baby’s diaper. If diaper rash is causing the problem, you will see some or all of the following symptoms:

Force-feeding a child

As a mom, It can be really frustrating, energy draining and emotional for us when our kids refuses to eat or are picky eaters but should we force-feed our kids?  

  Introducing solids to my son after 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding was war on its own. I got so frustrated that I found myself force-feeding him, I had to do some online research on the topic and also talk to an older aunty and a mother, who finally warned against force-feeding.

Baby photo of the day

Isn't she just gorgeous?
Our 9ja Baby Blog photo of the day. Too cute.
See another photo below.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Does Pineapple Induce labour?

I read that pineapples and mangoes helps tone the cervix.

I ate more than enough pineapple at the time I was pregnant just to get labor started, it didn't work for me oh! However, some women can swear that it worked for them.

Has anyone ever tried it?

 Here is a link to a baby center thread about it.


How Young Is Too Young To Spank Your Children?

As an African woman the first act of discipline is spanking.

I have a 16 month old son who can be a handful at times. I have actually spanked him a few times. Afterwards, I usually ask myself if this little one even knows or learns why he was been spanked in the first place. Most times, It does seem that nothing much changes after I spank him.

What is your take on spanking?

Friday 1 August 2014

Ewo! who knew early morning sex had it's own health benefit?.

What is the best cardio workout in the morning? 

Hint: Everyone secretly wishes it was the only exercise needed to keep fit. According to Queen’s University in Belfast, three rounds of morning sex a day will give you a healthy heart. Intrigued? Here's a list for the health benefits of morning sex...

Welcome To The Month Of August

Be Confident.
Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are and aren't, that you will trurly succeed.

Happy New Month! May the blessings that comes with a new month be with you and your loved once.